Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy


The 15th public-private dialogue (face-to-face workshop) was held.

J4CE continuously holds public-private dialogues as a forum for exchanging opinions to further developing a circular economy (CE). The 15th public-private dialogue was held in a workshop style at the Hibiya International Building Conference Center on August 30, 2024, with the aim of promoting CE business and strengthening collaboration among different business sector across value chain. This time, with the cooperation of Japan Industrial Waste Management Foundation (WMF), many waste treatment companies and recycling companies also participated.

In the first half, the Ministry of the Environment (MoE) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) presented the latest trends in CE, and in the second half, a workshop was held focusing on group discussions.

In the group discussions, participants were divided into seven groups such as plastics, metals, and biomass, and exchanged opinions on the causes and issues that hinder collaboration between different business sectors across value chain, as well as measures to promote collaboration. In this workshop, the participants were able to deepen knowledge and understanding of resource circulation throughout the value chain by exchanging opinions among different industries, including makers, recycling companies, banks, digital companies. Participants commented, "I learned a new perspective," and "It was meaningful to be able to exchange opinions across industries." In addition, at the end of the workshop, a free-style networking event was held that transcended industry boundaries.
Despite the bad weather caused by the typhoon on the day, a total of 46 people (excluding organizers) from 29 companies across various industries such as manufacturing, trade, recycling, digital, and finance participated.


- MoE "the 5th Basic Plan for Promoting the Circular Society and the Law for Advanced Recycling Businesses"
- METI "the latest trends in policies about resource circulation economy"

[Group discussion]
Participants were divided into seven groups: plastics (2 groups), metals, biomass, small and home electric appliances, batteries, and construction & waste materials. They exchanged opinions within their groups on the following points and presented them to all participants.

- Causes and issues that hinder the promotion of collaboration, considering five aspects (technology, communication, regulations, certification systems, and finance) and their own experiences.