Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy


's cases

Basic values and policies for initiatives towards circular economy

YKK AP has identified 10 materialities as strategic initiatives that drive sustainable growth in economic, environmental, and social themes. To tackle the issue of “coexistence with the environment,” one of the 10 materialities, we, as a window manufacturer, take a circular economy, which is essential for product manufacturing and maximizes the effective use of limited resources, as an important challenge.

To this end, we promote the following agenda: reducing materials used in our business activities, reusing the materials in-house, using recycled materials, and reducing waste emissions.

Market opportunities and our strengths in circular business

We use aluminum and vinyl as core raw materials for windows. Aluminum consumes vast amounts of electricity during its smelting and manufacturing processes. On the other hand, re-melting once-used aluminum scrap consumes only 1/30th of the electricity and fuel of those consumed in smelting. Therefore, improving the aluminum recycling rate will contribute to carbon neutrality and the circular economy.

There are more technical challenges with vinyl than with aluminum. In addition to improving the in-house recycling rate of scrap materials generated during manufacturing, we, across the industry, are striving to establish a system for collecting and recycling dismantled vinyl windows discarded after use.

Setting indices/targets

Aiming to achieve zero environmental burden by 2050, we have developed a mid-term environmental business plan (current mid-term; FY2021 – FY2024) for the following indicators and are promoting initiatives to achieve them.

- in-house vinyl recycling rate: 70% or more by FY2024

- global waste recycling rate: 99% or more by FY2024

- global waste output: 13,900 t by FY2024 (32% reduction compared to 20,500 t in FY 2016)

Implementation system

As the structure for promoting environmental activities, including the circular economy, the YKK AP Environmental Policy Board Committee, chaired by the president, formulates and approves environmental policies and strategies from a management perspective. Under these policies, the YKK AP Environmental Committee incorporates the environmental policies into sales, research & development, manufacturing, management, and overseas divisions. The Environmental Policy Board Committee confirms the achievement of the environmental indicators to review the policies and take further steps if necessary.

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