Download: J4CE Noteworthy Cases/Initiatives 2022
Download: J4CE Noteworthy Cases/Initiatives 2021
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About resource recycling of used ink cartridges
We have realized the first system in Japan to collect and reuse used cartridges of inkjet printers on a nationwide scale.
Realization of a recycling-oriented society through solar power generation
Niimi Solar Company
Currently, various technologies are being used to recycle solar panels, but our "Solar Panel Pyrolysis Plant using Sakumoto’s Method" is the only technology in the world that can decompose organic matter without emitting carbon dioxide and extract high-purity materials from solar panels.
Eco-products Database
Green Purchasing Network (GPN)
The Eco-products Database is the largest database that discloses environmental information about products and services along the Green Purchasing Guidelines.
Offering of expense insurance policy that contributes to the reduction of food loss
Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. Second Harvest Japan
With the aim of creating a system that contributes to the reduction of food loss.
Dow-Toppan Circular Economy Project for International Sports Competitions
TOPPAN INC. Dow Chemical Japan Limited
The two companies signed an MOU for a long-term strategic partnership for the Tokyo 2020 Games, which increased opportunities for new business development.
Used paper food package recycling project "Let's Recycle Paper Cups"
Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu Green Wave Co.,Ltd. 特定非営利活動法人 エコライフはままつ Hamamatsu City
Paper food packages (paper beverage cups and various types of paper food packages) have often been deemed unsuitable for recycling because they are paper-plastic composite materials, or because they are dirty or wet from food residues,
Development and demonstration project of new biomass and biodegradable plastic films for agriculture
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization: Evaluation of biodegradability and collection of basic information for stable production of enzymes
Value networks creation between organizations for circular economy
Circular Economy Association
We aim to establish the support system on value network creation for circular economy between organizations in accordance with the following approaches.
Recycling Helmets
Kajima Corporation
Helmets used at construction sites need to be replaced regularly for safety reasons. Kajima has worked to recycle these helmets since 2004.
Recycling Work Clothes
Kajima Corporation
From the perspective of durability and other aspects, Kajima uses polyester-cotton blend fabric for the work clothes worn by Kajima employees. Kajima also recycles work clothes just like helmets.
Contributing to the circular economy through the "Water Stand" business, a water server directly connected to the water supply
In 2012, we formed a business alliance with Coway (Korea) to expand our "Waterstand" business.