Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Toray Industries, Inc.

Basic values and policies for initiatives towards circular economy

In July 2018, Toray Group announced the Toray Group Sustainability Vision1(hereinafter Sustainability Vision), declaring its long-term determination to provide innovative technologies and advanced materials that help global issues including climate change.

“A world where resources are sustainably managed” is one of Toray Groups Vision for the World in 2050. Realizing sustainable, recycling-based use of resources and production is Toray Group Initiatives.

Market opportunities and our strengths in circular business

①Using non-fossil resources (bioresources) : Toray works to reduce the world’s

dependency on fossil fuel resources by manufacturing non-edible plant-based fibers and developing materials and fuels using biotechnologies and membrane separation technology

(Biopolymers, Membrane bioprocess and Biodegradable materials).

②Promoting product recycling : Toray facilitates recycling of its diverse products including fibers, resins, films, and carbon fiber (Recycled materials).

③Reducing waste : Toray implements measures to use resources more effectively, practices recycling, and works to reduce waste (High-performance packaging materials, VOC free waterless printing system for flexible packaging etc).

Setting indices/targets

FY 2022 Target of Sales revenue from Green Innovation (GR)businesses that contribute to solving global environmental issues and resource and energy-related issues is 1,000 billion JPY. FY 2030 Target is 4 fold compared with FY 2013 (Sustainability Vision) .

Implementation system

On April 1, 2021, the Group established the Sustainability Committee to serve as a group-wide committee. Headed by the president, its task is to promote the Group’s initiatives aimed at achieving the Toray Group Sustainability Vision. In addition to drawing up the overall medium- and long-term roadmaps and action plans for achieving the Toray Group Sustainability Vision, the Sustainability Committee deliberates on the yearly action plans for the three group-wide projects, which manage the progress on KPIs for fiscal 2030.

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