Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.


In the medium-term management plan Re-connect 2023, the Group has positioned the realization of a sustainable society as a major premise for business operations, and has declared that it will actively tackle important issues related to ensuring the sustainability of society. We have set "contribution to the development of society through responsible investment and financing" as one of the important issues. As one of these efforts, we are working on investment and financing to solve social issues, including the circular economy.


Dai-ichi Life and Dai-ichi Frontier Life, the core companies of the Group, have a large number of contractors nationwide and hold a wide range of assets, so it is necessary to manage assets with an awareness of various stakeholders.

By promoting responsible investment (ESG investment and stewardship activities) as one of our important initiatives, we aim to obtain medium- to long-term investment returns and realize a sustainable society.


As an institutional investor (universal owner) who holds a wide range of assets from a medium- to long-term perspective regarding ESG investment, including investment and financing related to the circular economy, we position ESG investment as a pillar of industrial management. And we have established a basic policy for ESG investment. This stipulates that we aim to achieve both the acquisition of investment income and the solution of social issues, and that we will promote initiatives that focus on "creating positive impact" and "engagement" as "Dai-ichi Life-like" ESG investment.The specific details of our efforts are as follows.

-Incorporating ESG in Management Policies and Processes for All Assets

(Target completion by fiscal year 2023)

- Invest for Solutions to Social Issues that Dai-ichi Life Sets as Priorities

(At least double the cumulative investment amount by fiscal year 2023)

-Stewardship Activities for Promoting ESG Initiatives in investee companies


Dai-ichi Life formulates policies regarding responsible investment after deliberation by the Responsible Investment Committee, which is dominated by outside officers, and reports on particularly important matters to the Board of Directors and the Management Committee. In addition, we are promoting the efforts of the entire asset management department through progress follow-up and discussions at the "Responsible Investment Council," which is composed of business personnel. Furthermore, we are using the results of PRI's annual assessment to raise the level of our efforts based on global standards.

In addition to this, we have newly established the Group Sustainability Promotion Committee, which is chaired by the Group CEO. This committee aims to examine effective information dissemination, including group policies and strategies related to non-financial fields and external commitments, and to monitor the status of efforts by group companies from a cross-group and ultra-long-term perspective. is. The content discussed by the committee will be reported and proposed to the Management Committee and the Board of Directors.

