Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Daiseki Co.,Ltd.

Basic values and policies for initiatives towards circular economy 

The recycling and industrial waste treatment industry is referred to as the “venous industry.” Like veins that carry blood from the heart via arteries throughout the body, then return it back to the heart, the Daiseki Group sees its role as recycling waste generated by manufacturers’ production processes as fuel and raw materials, then returning them to the manufacturers for reuse. Daiseki has been in business since its founding in 1958, when the word “recycle” was not commonplace, and as Japan's leading venous industry company, we will continue to contribute to the establishment of a recycling-oriented society and create the value demanded by society by resolving social issues.

Strength and market opportunity

With a network of 41 bases across Japan, the Daiseki Group provides comprehensive services related to industrial waste treatment and resource recycling. Boasting a track record of doing business with over 10,000 companies, Daiseki supports the Japanese manufacturing industry. Within chemical pretreatment, in some cases, Daiseki may be able to treat waste that is difficult for other companies to deal with using proprietary composite treatment technologies that reduce treatment difficulty by combining waste liquids that are difficult to treat.

Indicators and goals

・ The ratio of recycled industrial waste to the amount of received industrial waste is called the recycling rate, and we set a target value every year.

・ We evaluate the CO2 emissions that can be reduced by recycling industrial waste compared to incineration without recycling. The evaluation contribute to the reduction of SCOPE3 emissions of our customers.

・ We sell recycled fuel produced from waste solvent, etc., as an alternative fuel to coal. We evaluate how much fossil fuel consumption is reduced by customers.


Since our main business is the environmental business, the recycling rate, reduction of CO2 emissions, and substitution of fossil fuels with recycled fuel are included in the ISO14001 annual plan and reported at the management meeting. We disclose information about these efforts to investors in our Sustainability Report. In this report, we explain our efforts to create value that society demands, such as building a recycling-oriented society, environmental conservation, and reducing CO2 emissions, and issue scenario analysis on climate change based on TCFD. Our management conduct medium- to long-term studies on the ideal recycling business for the circular economy.

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