Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

OKABE Co., Ltd.

Basic values and policies for initiatives towards circular economy

The construction industry, which is the main source of demand for our products, has long been aware of the problem of by-products. Each company has been working to achive zero emissions. As a manufacturer that operates with finite resources, we are also concerned about the issue of waste, and are working toward the realization of a circular economy under the vision of "A global manufacturer that contributes to solving global problems by providing comprehensive solutions.

Currently, most of our products are made of steel, a material with a high recycling rate, but there are some wastes in part and by-products generated by factory operations. Our policy is to reduce these resources in accordance with the 3Rs concept.

Market opportunities and our strengths in circular business

Stakeholders have recently been paying attention to whether companies are fulfilling their environmental responsibilities. The construction industry is also accelerating its efforts to achieve zero emissions.

In our more than 100-year history, we have built strong relationships at all layers, from raw material suppliers to users of our products. The "P-Con closed-loop recycling" initiative described below could not have been possible without these relationships. Our group will continue to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by making full use of its abundant technologies and expertise.

Setting indices/targets

As stated in 1, our focus areas in the supply chain are some of our products and by-products of our factory operations. As a representative of the former, we recycle P-Con and have set a target of recycling 1.5 million pieces in 2024. As for the latter, we have set a target of reducing the waste generated by our factory* operations to 109 tons by 2024 and are working on production activities. The recycling rate of factory by-products has already reached 96%.

Implementation system

Sustainable initiatives, including those related to the circular economy, have been set as "SDGs & ESG KPIs" and disclosed on our website. The Sustainability Committee deliberates on these KPIs and submits proposals and reports to the Board of Directors which functions as the oversight body.

Each department plans and implements specific actions to achieve the KPIs, and the Sustainability Promotion Office confirms progress.

Reference URL

- okabe’s Sustainability


- SDGs&ESG KPI Targets & Result Chart
