Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

ARE Holdings, Inc.

Basic values and policies for initiatives towards circular economy

Under our purpose of being "Totally Committed to Protecting the Natural Environment and Preserving Resources," our company has long operated its "Precious Metals Business," which reduces the impact on the environment, and our "Environmental Preservation Business," which aids in the recycling of resources and energy. Our business activities are our contribution to sustainability, and we are achieving both business growth and solutions to social issues.

Market opportunities and our strengths in circular business

The precious metals recycling business, which accounts for the majority of our Precious Metals Business sales, is becoming increasingly important as geopolitical risks, high resource prices, and inflation concerns become more apparent. We collect precious metal-containing scrap from various industries, and our strengths lie in our ability to analyze precious metal content, our customer-oriented and IT-based sales force, and our human rights- and environment-friendly raw material procurement and traceability management.

Our Environmental Preservation Business contributes to circular economy by providing a recycle of resources and energy, and a digital platform in the industrial waste industry, as business is expected to change with the movement toward carbon neutrality in society as a whole and the growth of digital transformation. Our strength lies in the experience and know-how we have accumulated over many years as a leader in the industry.

Setting indices/targets

Priority Issues in relations to circular economy to be Addressed by ARE Holdings.

Theme1; Expand precious metals recycling. Target1; To achieve total annual recycling of 410 tons of precious metals by FY2030 and to achieve effective reduction 1,465,000 ton-CO2.

Theme2; Supplying precious metals in ways that are friendly to people, society, and the environment

Theme3; Expansion of proper industrial waste disposal. Target3; Proper disposal of 500,000 tons of industrial waste by 2030.

Theme4; Reduce CO2 emissions. Target4; 50% reduction from FY2015 level of CO2 emissions from electricity, gasoline, and other energy sources by 2030.

Implementation system

Our Group's sustainability initiatives are driven by the Sustainability Committee, which convenes on a quarterly basis. The Sustainability Committee consists of the Representative Director, President & CEO; the presidents of our operating companies; and the leaders of the Technology Development Department and Management Department, with the CEO serving as the chairperson. The Sustainability Committee deliberates on sustainability-related strategies, plans, measures, risk management, and monitoring. In addition to reporting matters discussed by the Sustainability Committee to the Board of Directors every quarter, effective governance is ensured by having the Board of Directors pass resolutions on matters of import.

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