Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

SoftBank Corp.

Basic values and policies for initiatives towards circular economy

We treat products and raw materials that have been discarded in our economic activities as "resources". By leveraging recycling and reuse, we strive to minimize resource loss and promote a circular society (circular economy).


Market opportunities and our strengths in circular business

To effectively utilize limited resources, we are promoting the 3Rs for mobile phones.


【Reduce】 We strive to reduce the use of paper resources in the sales of mobile information terminals by miniaturizing individual packaging boxes, digitizing instruction manuals and other documents, and using devices such as iPads at our retail locations. As a basic service, we offer all customers with individual contracts the ability to view electronic invoices via the internet from SoftBank mobile phones and computers through "Online Billing Information".


【Reuse】 We promote the trade-in of functional mobile phones and tablets that customers have used until the time of device change. Traded-in devices are refurbished and primarily reused in emerging countries.


【Recycle】 As a member of the "Mobile Recycle Network (MRN)", which is committed to recycling mobile phones and PHS, we promote the collection of used mobile phones, battery packs, and chargers, regardless of the mobile phone operator or manufacturer.


Setting indices/targets

The number of mobile phone reuse and recycle: 12 million units (FY2020-FY2025)


Implementation system

【Promotion System】

To integrate and promote our growth strategy and sustainability, we have established the ESG Promotion Committee (Chairperson: Junichi Miyagawa) as an advisory body of the Board of Directors. The committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors on sustainability activities and conducts activity reports more than t four times a year.

【Execution System】

Junichi Miyagawa, President, CEO, and Representative Director of SoftBank, is the top officer responsible for promoting ESG and is accountable for the sustainability activities of SoftBank and its subsidiaries ("Our Group"). We have also established an ESG promotion office, with Fumihiko Aono, Senior Executive Officer and CHRO, responsible for driving ESG activities within our group. Based on the recommendations and discussions in the ESG Promotion Committee, we are deepening our understanding of sustainability and promoting the PDCA cycle to enhance our sustainable initiatives.


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