Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy


Basic values and policies for initiatives towards circular economy

The realization of a recycling-oriented society (economy) is essential to the ``abundant future'' stated in our group's management philosophy, ``We will serve as a bridge to a prosperous future with our unique financial services.'' We have incorporated this desire into our medium- to long-term vision of ``Becoming a circular creation company.'' Amid concerns about tight supply and demand for resources and energy, there are urgent challenges to sustainable management of natural resources, efficient use of resources, and significant reductions in waste. By promoting the reuse and recycling of facilities and equipment whose lease contracts have ended and by realizing reductions through the sharing of rental equipment, we will promote the effective use of resources and contribute to the realization of a recycling-oriented society.

Market opportunities and our strengths in circular business

The leasing and rental business itself, which product circulation, is a circular business form steadily. In addition, it is an important responsibility of the leasing company to collect the property, and by collecting the property, we promote the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, At the end of a lease, we ``re-lease'' (reuse) the property so that it can be used continuously, or we properly dispose of (recycle) the returned property at an appropriate and fair partner company. In addition, we will implement reuse based on steady asset management by strengthening asset management and property appraisals and promoting the sale (reuse) of second-hand PCs. We will build a system that allows for safe and reliable reuse and recycling, support our customers ' environmental efforts, and form partnerships in the industry to realize resource circulation.

Setting indices/targets

We have set non-financial targets in our medium-term management plan for 2023-2025, and have set targets for property recovery rate (74%) and computer reuse/recycling rate (100%) as KPIs in the environmental business field.

Implementation system

Our group has established a Sustainability Committee to continue promoting sustainability management, with the aim of realizing a sustainable society and the sustainable growth of our group, based on the resolution of social issues. The Sustainability Committee serves as an advisory body to the president and is comprised of managing executive officers and above, general managers of sustainability-related departments, and presidents of group companies. , we are discussing and considering issues from a sustainability perspective. After deliberations and decisions are made at the management meeting, the decisions are shared with the board of directors, and advice is provided based on the board's consensus.

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