Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy


Proof of Concept Promoting Reuse in Local Communities With Mercari, Yakult Sanyo, Akitakata City, and Miyoshi City

[Company / organization] Mercari, Inc. Yakult Sanyo Inc. Akitakada City, Hiroshima Prefecture Miyoshi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Overview of project

This is a collaborative project between Mercari, Inc., Yakult Sanyo Corporation, and Akitakata City and Miyoshi City of Hiroshima Prefecture. Together, we started a proof of concept where we collect usable items that people no longer need from Akitakata City and Miyoshi City and sell them on Mercari’s e-commerce platform Mercari Shops.

So far, Mercari has partnered up with a total of 38 local governments across Japan (as of July 8, 2024) to sell their unwanted items on Mercari Shops.

However, in working with these local governments, Mercari saw how it was difficult for them to promote reuse on their own due to challenges in securing labor costs and additional space to store the items.

In order to resolve such issues, Mercari partnered up with Yakult Sanyo, which has a strong presence in local communities. This partnership leverages Yakult Sanyo’s existing delivery service and spaces like its Yakult Centers and sales offices to collect and sell usable items that people no longer need.

This project makes it possible for the local governments of Akitakata City and Miyoshi City to reduce waste and promote the habit of reuse among their communities with support from the private sector.

For Yakult Sanyo, this project introduces a new service centered around reuse while making use of its existing resources. The project is also expected to have strong synergy with its existing businesses as it contributes to revitalizing local communities, making a positive impact on the environment, and creating another touchpoint with their customers.

Timeline of proof of concept

This proof of concept was announced on June 5, 2024, and will continue until March 2025. Based on the results of the proof of concept during this period, we will decide how to proceed with the project from April 2025 onward.

Explanation of roles

Mercari is providing a mechanism for Yakult Sanyo to easily list unwanted items on Mercari Shops and for Mercari users to purchase these items in a simple manner.

Yakult Sanyo is providing a network with its Yakult Centers, sales offices, and Yakult Ladies who visit people’s homes to deliver Yakult products in order to efficiently collect people’s unwanted items and sell them on Yakult Sanyo’s Mercari Shops account.

During the proof of concept, the money earned will be used differently depending on how the items are collected, as follows:

(1) Items dropped off at Yakult Centers and sales offices

(2) Items collected from people’s homes by Yakult Ladies

→ For both (1) and (2), Yakult Sanyo will work together with local governments and welfare organizations to use the money earned (after subtracting the cost of packaging materials, etc.) for social good. Yakult Sanyo will have the right to decide what to use the money for, since it will have ownership rights over items once they are collected.

(3) Items collected by Akitakata City and Miyoshi City

→ The money earned will be used to improve the public services offered in Akitakata City and Miyoshi City.

Public response and impact

Thanks to the press conference held on June 5 in Hiroshima City, we were able to get media coverage on all of Hiroshima Prefecture’s television channels as well as national coverage on NHK.

We’ve also received positive feedback from the Yakult Ladies, saying that they’d love to continue the project because it feels rewarding to be able to help customers in this new way.

In addition, as a part of this proof of concept, Mercari is collaborating with the University of Tokyo’s Research Institute for an Inclusive Society through Engineering (RIISE) through the Value Exchange Engineering Research Program in order to calculate the amount of greenhouse gas emissions avoided through reuse in this project.

In the mid-to-long term, we’d like this project to become a model for circulating resources and promoting reuse among local communities. By creating an example for other companies and local governments to refer to, we hope to foster stronger collaboration between the public and private sectors to reduce waste and achieve a circular economy together.

Related links (only available in Japanese)

・Mercari press release


・Report on Mercari’s public policy blog Merpoli


・Notice on Yakult Sanyo’s website


・Nikkei article
