Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy


Our value and strategy to embark on Circular Economy

In modern times, a wide variety of issues have surfaced which put the sustainability of society at risk, such as the impacts of climate change, anticipated shortages of material resources. We believe that businesses can play a crucial role in addressing these issues, which will in turn provide them with larger markets and more business opportunities.

In view of our mission statement, which is to “contribute to create a sustainable society,” we examined the strengths of our group and the impact of these issues on business, in addition to requests from society to address such issues and our purpose for existing. We subsequently identified “material resources” and “energy resources” as two material issues to the company.

By explicitly designating the business strategy concerning these material issues as the Sustainability Strategy, we will firmly promote the implementation of any relevant activities.

Our role in 2050 carbon neutral is presenting concrete and practical recycling cases in circular economy. And to make it happen, we need to strive to be at higher level of industrial standards, have an extended geological logistic coverage in collection, accelerate digitalization, and be a recycling company as a social infrastructure with creative people.

Our strength and opportunity in circular economy

In circular economy, there are some changes expected from the so-called liner economy: from simply selling to sharing and XaaS (X as a service) instead of possession for instances. That will result in a change in ownership of things and flows of waste management. Many business opportunities are anticipated to emerge through expansion of the use of recycled materials and its market, and digitalization.

High quality physical shredding and sorting is one of our core competencies that was acquired through recycling multi-material mixed goods such as end-of –life vehicles and office appliances mainly . And now we have to carefully set how to apply the advantage in business opportunities to emerge.

Target and performance indicator

In July 2018 we joined RE100. In Dec 2020, we committed to 2050 carbon neutral and moved RE100 target up for 20 years to 2030.


We have created “Sustainability Committee” in order to actively and flexibly manage implementation of Sustainability Strategy and its direction. It is consist of our internal board members and some managing directors. Their role is to discuss new business possibilities within the frame of the strategy, synergy effect within the group and enhancement of corporate structure. Once ideas are matured at the committee they are escalated to the board meeting for decision making.

Every member company in the group has “presenting concrete and practical recycling cases in circular economy” as their action target. Also a designated department for business development in circular economy is created to support those member companies and build new business up from scratch.

Reference URL

Annual sustainability report
