Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy


Sustainable Plastics Initiative (SusPla), collaboration among companies aiming to expand the market for recycled plastics

[Company / organization] Sustainable Plastics Initiative(SusPla) ISHIZUKA CHEMICAL SANGYO Co.,Ltd. ISONO CO.,LTD. Ohmi Bussan, Inc. Sustainable Management Promotion OrganizationSEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD.DAIEI KANKYO Co.,Ltd. TAIBO Co.,Ltd DENSO CORPORATION Toyama Kankyou Seibi Co.,Ltd.TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Panasonic ET Solutions Co., Ltd. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.

Members, their roles, cooperation motives

The Sustainable Plastics Initiative (SusPla) is an organization established to expand the market for recycled plastics through material recycling that contributes to quality improvement and stable supply.

Today, a collaborative effort among the entire supply chain, beyond corporate scale or conventional business practices, is vital to overcome problems related to the expansion of plastic recycling. Currently 67 stakeholders (as of July 16, 2024) from the entire plastic supply chain, including Japan's representative recyclers, manufacturers, and trading companies, are jointly aiming to expand the use of recycled plastics as SusPla members. The organization is characterized by its diverse range of stakeholders involved in the recycling and utilization of plastics, including automotive, consumer electronics, chemicals, plastics processing, textiles, and other industries, universities and research institutions, as well as local governments.

The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, which are responsible for the management of this organization, consist of Ishizuka Chemical Sangyo Co., Ltd., ISONO Co., Ltd., Ohmi-Bussan Co., Ltd., Sustainable Management Promotion Organization (SuMPO), SEKISUI CHEMICAL Co., Ltd., Daiei Kankyo Co., Ltd., TAIBO Co., Ltd, DENSO CORPORATION, Toyama Kankyo Seibi Co., Ltd., TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION, Panasonic Environmental Technology Solutions Co., Ltd., Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (in the order of the Japanese (kana) syllabary of company name), and special advisors (experts).


July 16, 2024

Goals and planned actions 

SusPla aims to contribute to doubling the use of recycled plastics through material recycling in Japan by 2030. We will expand our activities based on the following four pillars by surveying the needs of SusPla members. Soon, an organizational structure will be established that enables SusPla members to take the initiative in promoting actions to address social issues surrounding recycling.

(1) Promoting, disseminating, and socially implementing a certification system (SPC certification (tentative name)*) that contributes to ensuring the quality and stable supply of recycled plastics.

(2) Developing environmental performance indicators.

(3) Solving issues related to building a collaborative effort among the entire supply chain of plastic recycling

(4) Promoting understanding of recycled plastics throughout society

*Sustainable Plastics Certification (SPC) (tentative name) is a new certification system, developed mainly by the SusPla preparatory establishment committee, in which an impartial third party certifies the material recycling system for recycled plastics. Through the SPC, we aim to promote understanding of recycled plastics among end users, encourage appropriate evaluation by companies with demand for recycled plastics, and expand the use of recycled plastics. The certification can be obtained at business level or at plant level.

Achievements and goals

(See diagram below)

Reference URL
