Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
's cases

Basic values and policies for initiatives towards circular economy

Through our business activities, we have contributed to improving the convenience of daily life and solving social issues, such as reducing food loss and improving energy efficiency. On the other hand, our activities use a large amount of fossil resources and energy and emit GHGs. In addition, the problems with plastics cannot be overlooked.

We view climate change and plastics issues as important social issues that need to be addressed sincerely, and announced our declaration of carbon neutrality in 2050 last November and our roadmap this June. In our VISION 2030, we view the realization of a recycling-oriented society as part of our vision for the future, and consider product design that takes into account climate change, the circular economy, and the entire lifecycle of a product as our materiality. In response to climate change, we will pursue the two pillars of (1) Reducing our GHG emissions and (2) Maximizing avoided emissions by contributing to society through our products. At the same time, we will strengthen the response to the circular economy through products and services.

Market opportunities and our strengths in circular business

We have contributed to solving social issues with our knowledge of chemistry. (1) and (2) are business activities that contribute to GHG reduction in the entire supply chain and pursues both economic rationality and the resolution of social issues.

Setting indices/targets

Non-Finantial metrics in VISION 2030 Business Targets

・Expanding Blue Value® (environmental load reduction), Rose Value® (QOL improvement): sales ratio of more than 40% each

・Reducing GHG: 40% compared to FY 13

Implementation system

Corporate Sustainability Div. is in charge of the promotion of sustainability in our company. Corporate Sustainability Committee and the Management Committee, which consist of the president and other senior management, discuss the policies of the activities and the pros/cons of their implementation, and then consult with the Board of Directors to reach a decision. It is communicated internally through the line. Climate change response and Blue Value®/Rose Value® expansion are included in the budget of each sector and are subject to a PDCA.

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