Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd.
Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd.
's cases
Seven & i Group PET Bottle Circulation Initiatives
Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd.
The Seven & i Group has been installing plastic bottle reverse bending machines in our stores since 2012.
- 2022.05.30
- Recycle
- Renewable
- Design
- Production
- Distribution
- Utilisation
- End-of-use
- Plastics
- Individual company
- Company in different category.
- Local government
- Case/initiative by individual company
Seven Premium Lifestyle Body Cooler, which uses recycled yarn made from PET bottles collected by the group, will be released sequentially from 129 Ito-Yokado stores nationwide.
Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd.
Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. will release the functional underwear "Seven Premium Lifestyle Body Cooler" at Ito-Yokado, York-Benimaru, Sogo & Seibu stores nationwide from February 12, 2020 (Wednesday).
- 2021.06.30
- Recycle
- Renewable
- Design
- Production
- Distribution
- Utilisation
- End-of-use
- Plastics
- Fabrics/Clothes
- Individual company
- Currently under implementation (already in business)
- Case/initiative by individual company
World's first uses 100% of PET bottles collected at stores achieves complete recycling of PET bottles Premium Seven x 1 (Hajime) "1 (Hajime) Green Tea One Bottle a Day" released at Seven & i Group stores nationwide
Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. Coca-Cola(Japan)Company, Limited
Coca-Cola(Japan)Company, Limited and Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. renewed their joint project product "1 (Hajime) Green Tea One Bottle a Day" (Food with Functional Claims), which has been a favorite since its launch in May 2017, using completely circular PET bottles (*1) recycled from collected PET bottles at Seven & i Group stores.
- 2021.06.30
- Recycle
- Renewable
- Design
- Production
- Distribution
- Utilisation
- End-of-use
- Plastics
- Individual company
- Company in different category.
- Local government
- Currently under implementation (already in business)
- Case/initiative by multiple companies/ organisations
Started a demonstration experiment on store management of "100% renewable energy" utilizing electric vehicle batteries, high-performance solar panels, and electricity derived from "Graduate FIT"
Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. SEVEN-ELEVEN JAPAN CO.,LTD. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 4R Energy Corporation
EVEN-ELEVEN JAPAN Co., Ltd. has started a demonstration experiment to procure all electric energy for store operations from renewable energy sources at 10 Seven-Eleven stores in Kanagawa Prefecture since September 26, 2019 (Thursday).
- 2021.06.30
- Reuse/Efficient use
- Renewable
- Design
- Production
- Distribution
- Utilisation
- End-of-use
- Electrical/Electronic Equipment
- Battery
- Individual company
- Company in different category.
- Initiatives for the future
- Case/initiative by multiple companies/ organisations
Collection of refill packs and film-to-film recycling
Kao Corporation Lion Corporation Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd. Welcia Yakkyoku Co., Ltd. Hamakyorex Co., Ltd. The City of Kamakura
Kao developed a technology to recycle refill packs into refill packs, and launched film-to-film recycled products with Lion, a competitor in the same industry. Ito-Yokado and Welcia Yakkyoku set up collection boxes in their stores to collect refill packs and sold film-to-film recycled products. Hamakyorex established an efficient aggregation system using return delivery to Welcia Yakkyoku.
- 2024.12.25
- Reduce
- Recycle
- End-of-use
- Others
- Plastics
- Individual company
- Company in same business category
- Company in different category.
- Local government
- Currently under implementation (already in business)
Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. is promoting the "Circular Economy" together with our customers to address social issues such as environmental problems. As an example of our efforts, the number of PET bottle collection machines installed in Seven-Eleven, Ito-Yokado, York-Benimaru, and York stores exceeded 1,000 as of the end of February 2021. And with the cooperation of our customers, we collected the equivalent of approximately 330 million bottles (in FY2020).The collected PET bottles are recycled into PET bottles and containers/packaging for Seven Premium, the Group's private brand products, as well as underwear and other clothing. Furthermore, in order to respond to various changes in the social environment, such as changes in social needs and environmental issues, we formulated the environmental declaration "GREEN CHALLENGE 2050" in May 2019 and set specific targets under four themes. In order to make this a group-wide initiative, innovation teams have been established for each theme, and executives and above have been appointed as leaders to work toward achieving the targets. Seven & i Holdings is promoting the realization of a sound and sustainable society together with our customers, business partners, and all other stakeholders.
https://www.7andi.com/sustainability/g_challenge.html?intpr=CSR_TOP (Japanese)
https://www.7andi.com/company/challenge/11828/1.html (Japanese)