Japan Partnership for Circular Economy

Japan Partnership for Circular Economy


Collection of refill packs and film-to-film recycling

[Company / organization] Kao Corporation Lion Corporation Ito-Yokado Co., Ltd.Welcia Yakkyoku Co., Ltd. Hamakyorex Co., Ltd. The City of Kamakura

Members, their roles, and reason for cooperation

Kao developed a technology to recycle refill packs into refill packs, and launched film-to-film recycled products with Lion, a competitor in the same industry. Ito-Yokado and Welcia Yakkyoku set up collection boxes in their stores to collect refill packs and sold film-to-film recycled products. Hamakyorex established an efficient aggregation system using return delivery to Welcia Yakkyoku.

As for collaboration with local governments, Kao received approval from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment for voluntary collection by a manufacturer or retailer. This has made it possible for Kao Logistics to transport used refill packs collected by Kamakura City from collection sites in the city, and for Kao to recycle the packs.

Time started (or to be started) 

Kao and Lion will begin a joint effort for film-to-film recycling in 2020, and collection started at Ito-Yokado in Tokyo and at some Welcia Yakkyoku stores in Tokyo and Saitama.

Technology and business model

Kao and its partner companies (Mitsui Chemicals, Prime Polymer, Tosoh, and Fuji Seal) have developed a sorting method, recycling technology, and film and package making technology to reuse used refill packs as refill packs.

Achievements and goals

In May 2023, Kao and Lion launched the first film-to-film recycling product ("Okaeri Refill Pack") by recycling used refill packs.

In March 2024, Kao received approval from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of the Environment for voluntary collection by a manufacturer or retailer. This certification allows Kao to collect used refill packs within the Kao Group and in Kamakura City without needing permission under the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law.

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